utorok 31. mája 2011

Vyhrajte luxusný pobyt v Hoteli SKARITZ****

Portál VIP.sk pre Vás v spolupráci s Hotelom SKARITZ ****, nachádzajúcim sa v historickom centre Bratislavy pripravil zaujímavú súťaž.. Stačí len správne odpovedať na súťažnú otázku a budete zaradená/ný do žrebovania o luxusný víkendový pobyt v krásnom apartmáne pre 2 osoby s raňajkami a voľným vstupom do wellnes.

Bližšie informácie nájdete na: http://www.vip.sk/sk/sutaze

piatok 27. mája 2011

Slowakei – die natürliche Quelle der Schönheit und Gesundheit

Die Verknüpfung langjähriger Tradition und modernen Ansatzes kann man direkt in Mitteleuropa, in einem Land, das mit einer hohen Anzahl von Kurorten prahlen kann, finden. Die einzigartige Lage der Heilbäder unter den Gipfeln der Hohen Tatra – einem Paradies für Touristen und aktive Urlauber, macht die Slowakei zum richtigen Ort für die Erholung des Körpers und der Seele.
 Die Geschichte einzelner slowakischer Kurorte reicht bis in das 13. Jahrhundert, als die Heilwirkungen auch von dem örtlichen Adel genutzt wurden. Verschiedene Erkrankungen des Bewegungsapparates, Verdauungssystems, rheumatische Krankheiten oder geistige Erschöpfung überwinden hier Leute aus verschiedenen Ecken der Welt. Garantiert ist nicht nur die Entspannung für den Körper, sondern auch für die Seele.
Slowakei nutzt die Gaben der Natur und vervielfacht ihre Heilwirkungen durch eine verantwortungsvolle Einstellung zu diesen:
Wasser aus den Händen der Natur
Die Zusammensetzung heilender Mineralwässer auf dem Gebiet der Slowakei hat eine unvertretbare Stelle bei der Heilung von Entzündungskrankheiten im Weltmaß und einzigartig ist sie auch bei der Heilung von Hauterkrankungen, wie zum Beispiel der Psoriasis. Der Aufenthalt hier ist somit mit einem Aufenthalt am Toten Meer vergleichbar.
Düfte, die das Leben stimulieren
Verschiedene Dufttherapien oder Duftsaunen, welche die Sanftheit natürlicher Düfte und des Luxus nützen, werden durch jede Zelle ihres Körpers durchsickern. Das Ergebnis ist nicht nur das Gefühl einer geistigen Zufriedenheit, sondern auch eine Entgiftungs- und antibakterielle Wirkung für den ganzen Körper. Wenn Sie der Duft Asiens anzieht, sollten Sie die natürliche Spa-Behandlung in den Wellness-Zentren und verschiedene weitere Leistungen unserer Einrichtungen höchster Qualität nicht meiden.
Farben der Erde
Ein alternatives Behandlungsverfahren, das Chromotherapie heißt, nutzt die medizinisch nachgewiesenen positiven Wirkungen der Licht und der Farben. Es ist eine traditionelle Therapie, deren Ergebnis die Erlangung eines ganzheitlichen Gleichgewichts ist. Nützen Sie deswegen diese Behandlungsmethode in Massagebecken in Verbindung mit geothermalem Wasser.
Natur – der Balsam für die Seele
Dank der Lage von Heilbad- und Wellness-Zentren ist die Slowakei ein Land, das Gesundungsaufenthalte in Verbindung mit der Schönheit der Natur anbieten kann. Die Besucher können so neben den Leistungen eigener Heilbäder auch die Wirkungen der Natur selbst nützen und auf einzigartigen Wanderstrecken spazieren gehen oder nur so, Hand in Hand mit der ruhigen Umgebung, der umliegenden Landschaft schweigend lauschen.
Die außergewöhnliche Fürsorge, das breite Angebot an Dienstleistungen und der höchste Qualitätsstandard – das alles kann man in der Slowakei finden. Überzeugen Sie sich selbst und sehen Sie sich die Angebote im Katalog an.

Slovakia – a natural source of beauty and healt

An interconnection of a long-time tradition and modern approach can be found directly in Central Europe, in a country that is proud of its high number of spa resorts. The unique situation below the peaks of High Tatras – a paradise for tourists and active people on holidays – makes Slovakia the right place for relaxation of both body and soul.
The history of Slovak spa resorts dates back to the 13th century when their healing effects were enjoyed by local noblemen. Also today people from various corners of the world arrive here to find relief from various diseases of locomotive organs, digestive system, rheumatism, or mental fatigue. Relief for both body and mind is guaranteed. 
Slovakia makes use of all gifts of nature and their healing effects are even enhanced thanks to a responsible approach:
Water from the hands of nature
The composition of the healing mineral waters that can be found within the territory of Slovakia is irreplaceable when it comes to treatment of inflammatory diseases and it also helps achieve unique results within the treatment of skin diseases such as psoriasis. Therefore a stay here is comparable to a stay at the Dead Sea. 
Scents stimulating life  
Various aromatherapies or aroma saunas, which feature the tenderness and luxury of natural scents, will soak through every cell of your body.  It will bring not only the feeling of mental satisfaction, but these therapies also have detoxification and antibacterial effects on the whole body.  If you are tempted by the scents of Asia, you cannot miss the natural spa care in wellness centres and various other services provided by our high quality facilities.
Colours of the Earth
This alternative treatment method called chromotherapy makes use of medically proved positive effects of light and colours. It is a traditional way of treatment aimed at achievement of overall balance.  Experience this way of treatment in massage pools with geothermal water. 
Nature – balm for soul
Thanks to the situation of spa and wellness resorts Slovakia is a country offering healing stays in amazingly beautiful countryside sceneries. In addition to the services offered by spa resorts visitors may enjoy the effects of nature and walk along unique tourist paths or just quietly listen to the surrounding countryside while walking hand in hand....
Exceptional care, a wide range of services, the highest quality standards – this all can be found in Slovakia. Check it yourself and have a look at the offers in the catalogue!

Diana Černáková: “I see my pictures as stories.„

She cooperates with the SITA News Agency, likes taking pictures of people the most and her works have appeared in the book of the best photographs of the world - Super Circuit 2009. We are talking about the talented photographer Diana Èernáková who is currently living in the heart of Europe - Brussels.

Diana, how did you get to picture taking??
I've been taking pictures since I was a child; I'm the author of almost every snapshot in our family album. My father worked as a naval officer and travelled all over the world and we, the kids, travelled with him during holidays. Unfortunately, there wasn't any photographer (amateur - professional) in our family who would teach me more about photography, which I regret a little, of course. I've become fully devoted to photography since 2008 when I arrived in Brussels and could buy my first camera. The need to capture a moment, keep it in memory turned into a profession. I started to concern myself with the theory, technology, processing. I used to meet my friend Katka Varsiková, who strongly supported me, at five in the morning to get to the city before the sunrise or we travelled to Mons (a city in Belgium, ed. note) to do illustrations for an article. In Mons, we were standing at a small station and waiting for a train when a family with small children from Kosovo started to converse with us. They smiled into the lens, both the kids and adults, with naturalness that is rare nowadays. And - my great support, the first and the biggest critic and the driving force is my husband Tibor. He's always had confidence in me and I wouldn't have been improving without his critical judgment.

Which objects do you like capturing the most?
I'm not restricted to one genre, but where I feel most at home is perhaps the portrait and reportage photography. I like working with people and capturing their emotions. That's the biggest challenge for me. I tried macro, architecture or landscape, however, when a snail fled from my shot I started to doubt it. In my defence I have to say though that I was trying to photograph it with a barely functioning Argus camera made in 1932. But seriously, a lot of time and travel opportunities are needed to make quality nature photography. People, as objects, are almost always near at hand, especially in a city like Brussels but in any other city as well.

What competitions have you taken part in?
I have several acceptances from Trienberg 2009 and 2010 competitions, awards in competitions of the Photo Life magazine, in Fotosoutìž Úhel pohledu, Europe is Beautiful (CEWE) or Lumix Travel Photo 2010.

Are you thinking of organizing your own exhibition?
I'll be very happy if a curator shows interest in my photographs and is interested in cooperating with me. To make a selection of photos intended for the public eye needs an impartial eye. This task is very difficult for me, since I see my pictures as stories, which I'm related to.

We know that you cooperate with the Slovak News Agency SITA. What skills should a photographer have to do this job?
Especially the willingness to go into the field and the ability to capture a newsworthy picture. Of course, the photographer also has to be technically prepared, so that the submitted pictures would be of adequate quality. At happenings, meetings of politicians or demonstrations, the photojournalist often has only a split second in order to take a shot and not to miss the right moment. It's about adrenaline; one has to be enthusiastic about the thing.

Have you experienced any unwelcome reactions?
Of course, you can't avoid that. People's reactions are different; their refusal to be photographed has to be respected though. However, what decides most of the time is the photographer and their sense of whether to press the trigger or not. And then…there are moments when you can do nothing but take shots.

In general, what qualities do you have to have as a photographer?
There is no definite answer to such a question: I've mentioned enthusiasm, sense and calculation of when to take a shot and when not. To bring together respect and curiosity, it is not easy.

What are your plans for the future?
I don't set any specific goals, I'm still looking for new inspirations, and I remain open to what life has to offer. You know, new twists, challenges and the feeling of satisfaction here and there when something really comes off.

We thank you for your answers and may the life raise nice scenes for you which you'll preserve in your photographs!
She cooperates with the SITA News Agency, likes taking pictures of people the most and her works have appeared in the book of the best photographs of the world - Super Circuit 2009. We are talking about the talented photographer Diana Èernáková who is currently living in the heart of Europe - Brussels.

Which objects do you like capturing the most?
I'm not restricted to one genre, but where I feel most at home is perhaps the portrait and reportage photography. I like working with people and capturing their emotions. That's the biggest challenge for me. I tried macro, architecture or landscape, however, when a snail fled from my shot I started to doubt it. In my defence I have to say though that I was trying to photograph it with a barely functioning Argus camera made in 1932. But seriously, a lot of time and travel opportunities are needed to make quality nature photography. People, as objects, are almost always near at hand, especially in a city like Brussels but in any other city as well.

What competitions have you taken part in?
I have several acceptances from Trienberg 2009 and 2010 competitions, awards in competitions of the Photo Life magazine, in Fotosoutìž Úhel pohledu, Europe is Beautiful (CEWE) or Lumix Travel Photo 2010.

Are you thinking of organizing your own exhibition?
I'll be very happy if a curator shows interest in my photographs and is interested in cooperating with me. To make a selection of photos intended for the public eye needs an impartial eye. This task is very difficult for me, since I see my pictures as stories, which I'm related to.

We know that you cooperate with the Slovak News Agency SITA. What skills should a photographer have to do this job?
Especially the willingness to go into the field and the ability to capture a newsworthy picture. Of course, the photographer also has to be technically prepared, so that the submitted pictures would be of adequate quality. At happenings, meetings of politicians or demonstrations, the photojournalist often has only a split second in order to take a shot and not to miss the right moment. It's about adrenaline; one has to be enthusiastic about the thing.

Have you experienced any unwelcome reactions?
Of course, you can't avoid that. People's reactions are different; their refusal to be photographed has to be respected though. However, what decides most of the time is the photographer and their sense of whether to press the trigger or not. And then…there are moments when you can do nothing but take shots.

In general, what qualities do you have to have as a photographer?
There is no definite answer to such a question: I've mentioned enthusiasm, sense and calculation of when to take a shot and when not. To bring together respect and curiosity, it is not easy.

What are your plans for the future?
I don't set any specific goals, I'm still looking for new inspirations, and I remain open to what life has to offer. You know, new twists, challenges and the feeling of satisfaction here and there when something really comes off.

Riaditeľ spoločnosti o projekte „Portál VIP“

Riaditeľ spoločnosti o projekte „Portál VIP“

VIP best for the best je jedinečný projekt svojho druhu v celej Európe a viac nám o ňom prezradí samotný riaditeľ spoločnosti SAIPH s.r.o., pán Róbert Novotný, ktorý stojí za celým projektom.
Pán Novotný, na internete sa nachádza množstvo ponúk služieb z rôznych oblastí. Čo nám môže ponúknuť práve váš projekt VIP a prečo je iný ako ostatné?
Našou najväčšou ambíciou je spustenie portálu, ktorý podľa mňa už dlhodobo absentuje na slovenskom trhu. Vytvárame totižto VIP prostredie prehľadných luxusných služieb a tovarov , na aké je zahraničný klient západnej Európy zvyknutý. Jednoduchosť a prehľadnosť týchto garantovane najkvalitnejších  služieb robí tento portál jedinečný. Aj ten najnáročnejší  klient si nájde nielen informáciu o ponúkaných službách a tovaroch  na portáli „VIP.sk“ , ale môže sa priamo obrátiť so svojou požiadavkou na našu spoločnosť a objednať si ju. Vieme zrealizovať akúkoľvek požiadavku v súlade s ponúkanými službami. Iba takouto ponukou naozaj komplexných služieb a spojením slovenských podnikateľských aktivít vieme konkurovať okolitým krajinám. Doterajšie reklamné kampane typu: „ moja kampaň, môj klient“ nie sú dostatočné účinné. Treba sa spojiť v jednom kyber priestore, pretože Slovensko má čo ponúknuť.....
Ako môže VIP.sk pomôcť potenciálnym záujemcom o pobyt na Slovensku?
Hlavnou filozofiou tejto stránky je poskytnúť záujemcom komplexné informácie a možnosti. Na jednom mieste si môžete nájsť ideálne ubytovacie zariadenie, zabezpečiť si dopravu alebo si prezrieť možnosti zábavy a relaxu. V prípade, že je vašou hlavnou motiváciou príchodu na Slovensko lekársky zákrok, môžete si vyhľadať a vybrať odborné zdravotnícke zariadenie, ktoré vám najviac vyhovuje. Všetko potrebné nájdete na tejto stránke, takže nemusíte po informáciách dlho pátrať.